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Breastfeeding – How To increase Milk Supply

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Breasts – All the Baby Need

The Breast is the organ for the production of breast milk, the nutrient that the baby needs for its growth and development from the time of delivery onward. While you may produce milk in the breasts in small quantities while you are pregnant, the full power of the breasts in increasing milk supply is unleashed post delivery as the delivery of your baby removes the inhibitory effect of the hormones of pregnancy on milk production. Your milk is produced by a milk let down phenomenon due to the synergistic relationship between your hormones, prolactin and oxytocin which are the two basic hormones required for lactation and its maintenance.

Breast Milk Composition

The initial milk your beast starts producing once you deliver your baby is called colostrum. It is rich in proteins, immunoglobulins especially immunoglobulin A and growth factors. Colostrum helps confer immunity to your baby and is the first layer of protection your baby receives following delivery as it contains antibodies against most of the ailments you have encountered as a human being and donates these antibodies to your baby early on in life.

By the 4th day of delivery however, the supply of milk starts to increase and the milk starts to change from colostrum to a mature milk. Mature milk consists of about 80% water and the macro nutrients carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

The carbohydrate consists mainly of lactose and some oligosacharides making up about 7-8% of milk, the proteins which constitute about 1% of milk is derived from casein, lactalbumin and lactoferrin and the lipids and fat constitute about 4-5% of the milk.

The micronutrients are the minerals consisting mainly of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and chlorine and the vitamins. The composition of your milk is not static but changes as you feed your baby, becoming thicker and creamier towards the end of your feed due to the increase in fat composition of the breast milk with feeding. This helps in modulating appetite and satiety of your baby with feeding.

Milk Production

Milk is produced in your mammary glands which starts to increase in size from the time of your conception by the effect of the hormones estrogen, progesterone and prolactin on the mammary glands. These hormones cause your breast to enlarge both in size and in cell number in anticipation of the process of lactation. The cells of your mammary glands start to secrete very small amounts of milk while you are still pregnant and these small amounts of milk are stored in your alveolar cells of the breasts and at times the breast can be seen to start flowing and milk expressed from your breasts even though you are still pregnant. This should not be a source of worry to you as it is perfectly normal to see this happen in some cases of pregnancy. As produced milk is stored in the alveoli it is released to the baby through the lacteal ducts by a process called the milk let down phenomenon which is controlled by the hormones oxytocin and prolactin.

Your breasts continue to produce breast milk so long as the baby continues to suckle at the nipple and it obeys the natural law of demand and supply so that as long as there is demand, the supply is inexhaustible but in the event that your breasts are not producing enough for the baby there are ways you can stimulate your breasts to produce more milk

The Best Ways To Increase Milk Flow.

Correct Latching

One of the most common reasons your milk is not flowing well and baby not getting enough milk is improper latching of the baby’s mouth to the nipple. If suckling is noisy and baby’s mouth is pulling out repeatedly you are not latching well and your baby will be swallowing a lot of air with the breast milk making him to be full easily. This may be all you need to correct for your breastfeeding to be fulfilling.

Liberal Fliuid Intake

Over 80% of milk is made up of water so you should take fluid liberally while breastfeeding. Fluids can be in the form of water, juice and nonalcoholic liquids. Your body metabolism works better in a state of good hydration and this helps in milk production.

Lifestyle Modification

Your lifestyle can affect and diminish milk flow and you can increase your milk flow by avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol ingestion, avoid stressful situations and fatigue and do not use a combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) as a means of obtaining family planning as the estrogen component inhibits breast milk flow.

Breastfeed From Both Breasts

Always ensure you feed your baby from both breasts at each feeding episode. Apart from ensuring your baby gets enough milk, it empties the breasts of milk, sending correct signals to your brain to increase milk production. Breastfeeding your baby from both breasts offers other advantages to you the mum like preventing mastitis, a common complication of breastfeeding.

Demand Feeding

This is giving your baby breast milk whenever and wherever the baby needs it and not following any particular schedule of feeding. Demand feeding also benefits and helps increase flow as the cry of the baby, the smile of the baby and other baby gestures sends signals to your brain helping to stimulate and increase flow .

Milk Formulas

When you introduce milk formulas early on in the breastfeeding, it retards the milk production by the breasts as there is a tendency for your baby to suckle less as suckling itself requires energy and when you bottle-feed your baby there is not much energy expended by the baby hence they may tend suckle less on the nipple.

Breastfeed your baby for longer duration and do not allow the baby to sleep on the nipple and if they do, tap them gently to wake them up to continue to breastfeed. This helps in increasing milk flow.


The use of a breast pump helps you to empty the breast of produced milk completely and when the alveoli are empty it helps stimulate your mammary glands to continue to secrete more milk so the expressed milk can be given to the baby using cup and spoon or a feeder.

Breast Massage

You will use a warm moist compress on your breasts. Massage your breasts lightly using your fingertips from the top of the breasts down to the nipple and in a circular motion from the base of the breasts down to the nipple again. This massage procedure encourages your breasts to produce better and more milk flow. Massage also helps you continuously examine your breasts for any untoward changes.

Vitamins and Minerals Supplements

It takes you about 6 months to recover from the effects of your pregnancy and vitamins and mineral supplements help in restoring your body balance and supply the requisite micronutrients you need for continued breast milk flow. Low levels of minerals in the body slows down your breast milk production.

Avoid the Use of Pacifiers

Using the pacifier early before your breast milk flow has been well-established is associated with a decrease in milk flow and you should not encourage your baby to prefer the pacifier. You should instead put the baby to the breast if baby clamors for one.

Galactogogue Supplements

There are anecdotal evidences that imply that your consumption of foods like garlic, oatmeal, fennel seeds and fenugreek can help you improve breast milk supply and lactation cookies are baked with this purpose in mind and this is also the basis of the use of fenugreek in lactation teas that breastfeeding mothers consume to enhance milk flow. Fruits like avocado pear, bananas and green papaya helps you to increase breast milk flow also detailing the significance to you of a balanced diet in your ability to produce adequate breast milk and increase your flow when need be for your baby.

Prescription Drugs

There are some medications you can take to enhance breast milk flow. Drugs like domperidone and metochlorpramide have been found to be helpful especially if the mother has a medical condition that affects milk flow like hypothyroidism. Be sure you consult your doctor before using prescription drugs to increase your breast milk flow.

Believe in Your Breasts

Breastmilk is the natural food for your baby from birth till at least the 6th month of life. You are encouraged to practice exclusive breastfeeding because of its numerous benefits to the baby and to you. For this to be effective and appropriate for the baby’s nutrient and energy needs, your breast’s production of adequate milk flow is essential. In the event that you are not able to maintain flow, increased breast milk flow can be achieved by employing the measures that will enhance flow as enumerated in this article. These are the measures that if you follow judiciously will lead you to better milk production and proper lactation as your baby’s demand for breast milk continues to accelerate throughout infancy.

Dr mawa
