Postpartum Family Planning- The 6 Best Methods Ever

Postpartum Family Planning- The 6 Best Methods Ever

The most effective postpartum family planning method is of course abstinence but we all know that abstinence is obsolete hence we review the very best methods following delivery that ensures over 99% effectiveness in this post.

Postpartum family planning (PPFP) is the process of undertaking a means of preventing an unintended and unplanned pregnancy within the first year of giving birth. You have just delivered and are happy and excited about the freedom you have with giving birth and you start enjoying this freedom sexually…. and baam you miss your period again, you get worried and conduct a pregnancy test. Behold you are positive.

This is classically a normal scenario when you just assume albeit erroneously that having just delivered, that you just can’t get pregnant.

But of course you can get pregnant.

The Menstrual Cycle Is Here Again

Your body’s cyclical menstrual and ovarian hormonal rhythm return to normal in about 6 weeks following delivery. Your menstrual cycle can resume within two months of delivery. This is especially so if you are not doing exclusive breastfeeding. The high levels of the hormones of pregnancy start returning to the prepregnancy normal levels with the removal of the baby and the placenta and the normal ovarian and menstrual cyclicity is re-established.

This return to normal is the first sign that you can conceive as you start to ovulate again and hence the need to take precautions in the form of a family planning option to prevent unintended and unwanted pregnancy from occurring. In some cases you can even become pregnant without seeing your first menses as you ovulate before menstruating hence the need for you not to rely or insist so much on the return of your menses first before taking the decision to avail yourself of a family planning method.


The methods range from the simple to the complex but here we will be presenting the six best methods that can guarantee you a safe postnatal experience without the worries of unexpected pregnancy. You should however always discuss with your doctor before commencing any form of contraception especially the steroid containing methods of family planning.

Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

The lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) works on the simple principle that if you are exclusively breastfeeding your baby and you have not seen your menses and you are within the first 6 months of your delivery, you are protected from pregnancy. The LAM method is a completely effective method as long as the 3 scenarios above is maintained. Its effectiveness is established through the maintenance of high levels of the hormone prolactin in the blood maintaining consistent and effective lactation through exclusive breastfeeding and inhibiting the ovaries from follicular growth and ovulation.

Barrier Methods

The barrier methods which include the condoms, both male(the most common and readily available option and is 99% effective) and female (95% effective) condoms, the cervical cap, the diaphragm and the contraceptive sponge. When you use the barrier method, it works by preventing any form of interaction between the sperm and the egg with the additional benefit of inactivating or damaging the sperm when spermicides are incorporated in the barrier method of contraception. This is a simple very effective method if used correctly and confers good protection against unintended pregnancy.

Progesterone Only Pill (POP)

The progesterone only pill (POP) is very effective when you are breastfeeding and don’t intend to do exclusive breastfeeding or your menses has started in earnest. POP is very safe for breastfeeding mothers as it does not interfere with breast feeding unlike the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) which contains the synthetic form of the hormone estrogen which hinders lactation. POP is taken one pill daily throughout usage and it acts by preventing ovulation from occurring hence rendering you anovulatory even though you are menstruating and thereby preventing pregnancy from occurring . POP is 99% effective if used correctly daily as recommended and usage can be commenced immediately after delivery.

Injectable Contraceptives

You receive a monthly or three monthly injection when you select the use of injections for your postpartum family planning. The injectable contraceptives work by inhibiting ovulation and is over 99% effective when used correctly. There are side effects commonly associated with the use of hormonal contraception and you should have a thorough discussion about your risks before commencing. For example if you have hypertension this method may not be the optimal choice for you or you have clotting disorder this will not be the best choice for a postpartum family planning. You can start implementing this method immediately after delivery.

Contraceptive Implant

An example of a contraceptive implant is implanon. The implants are longer acting hormonal contraceptives. They are usually inserted in the medial aspect of the left upper arm. They can last from one year to 3 years depending on the type and your choice and are over 99% effective when used correctly, . The implant work by inhibiting your ovulation and like other hormonal contraceptives should only be recommended for you after you have had a thorough check and certified not to have any risk factors that can limit or inhibit your usage of this method like hypertension, diabetes and clotting disorders. You can commence usage of the implant contraceptives immediately following delivery.

Contraceptive Insert

The insert includes the copper intrauterine device (IUD) and the hormonal intrauterine system (IUS). The copper IUD is a very effective method and it can be inserted immediately following delivery or after the 6 weeks postnatal check. POP is regarded as the gold standard of family planning against which other methods are adjudged . POP is over 99% effective when properly inserted and used correctly. The copper IUD works by releasing cupric ions within the environment of the uterus that destroys any sperm that comes in contact with the ions. You can even use the copper IUD as a form of emergency contraception in the event you had an unprotected intercourse some 72 hours prior to its insertion attesting to its efficacy as a family planning method.

The hormonal intrauterine system (IUS), for example Mirena is an insert impregnated with synthetic progesterone derivatives and used in the same way as the IUD. It can be inserted immediately following delivery or at the 6-week postnatal visit but also has the same cautions associated with it like the other hormonal contraceptives and a discussion with your doctor is imperative before commencing its usage. POP is a very effective method offering you over 99% effectiveness when you use it properly.

Feel Rest Assured

With a defined best postpartum family planning method you can rest assured that you cannot be dealing with any issues of pregnancy until you are ready for another baby. So many methods of family planning do exist but the above discussed methods are the best method you can choose from to be able to safely say goodbye to pregnancy till you are ready again to conceive. Always ensure you discuss your options with your doctor to ensure you do not have any risk factors that can limit or inhibit your usage of the above methods but they are great methods whichever one you eventually decide on.

To your great motherhood experience.

Dr mawa

i am a doctor interested in women health and freedom

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