Tag: Nursing mothers

Product recommendations

The Best Wearable Breast Pump – Willow

Breastfeeding is a full time job. To have the ability to completely and efficiently nurse a baby is a herculean task hence mothers need all the time, space and freedom to be able to do this effectively and also have the time to attend to all the other numerous activities expected of a nursing mother […]

Postpartum mental health for partners

Postpartum Suicide – Simple Ways to Predict and Prevent it

The thought of loss and the actual demise of a loved one is devastating even when the person is old, even chronically ill with debilitating illness. If you have ever been this distressed at losing an aged person, you can now begin to compare it to the unfathomable feelings and disaster that accompanies the tragic […]

Hormonal changes and body recovery

Postpartum Fever – Is it an Emergency?

The development of fever following a delivery is a common complaint in the immediate postpartum period that it is mostly ignored as it resolves without treatment. This is because in the immediate postpartum state, you are still reeling from the pain and stress of delivery and child birth and these can affect the body system […]

Hormonal changes and body recovery

Postpartum Breast Cancer and Breast Lumps

Breast lumps occur quite frequently in breastfeeding moms and essentially all the lumps encountered during the postpartum period and during lactation are non-malignant in nature and resolve with the appropriate treatment. The common lumps moms are accustomed to are mastitis, breast abscess, galactocoele and blocked ducts. They are all harmless and resolve with treatment. These […]

Physical recovery after birth

Postpartum Skin Changes and the Best Skin Care Strategies

Your skin goes through pregnancy induced changes that affects its shine and luster and these changes varies from darker pigmentation, rashes, spots, stretch marks and so many other hormonal and non hormonal induced changes in the postpartum period These postpartum skin changes can fortunately be treated with a return to your normal glow and shine […]

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