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Postpartum Belt – Is it Effective ?

There is nothing as uplifting, as welcoming and as important as keeping fit and looking trim and healthy. This is even more gratifying when it comes with the added pleasure of a new born baby. Following a nine months period of sustained assault on your system by the developing fetus with the resultant expansion of the skin of the abdomen,…

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5 Simple Steps to Breast Self Examination

The regular examination of your breasts is a simple effective measure you should adapt to be able to assess your breasts. It is important that you know the feel and consistency of your breast so that in the event that you find something out of the ordinary from this simple self-examination you will be able to know the difference between…

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Postpartum Breast Cancer and Breast Lumps

Postpartum Breast Cancer and Breast Lumps

Breast lumps occur quite frequently in breastfeeding moms and essentially all the lumps encountered during the postpartum period and during lactation are non-malignant in nature and resolve with the appropriate treatment. The common lumps moms are accustomed to are mastitis, breast abscess, galactocoele and blocked ducts. They are all harmless and resolve with treatment. These lumps in the postpartum period…

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Postpartum Breast Complications and Breast Care

The breast is the organ dedicated to the fulfillment of the baby’s natural nutrient requirements and it functions optimally to achieve and maintain this role in spite of numerous impediments towards this goal. Your breast in fulfilling this role may develop one form of hindrance or the other that may affect its breastfeeding functions and these complications will need to…

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11 Postpartum Breast Changes You Should Know About

The mammary gland The breasts represent one of the most remarkable organs that transforms exceedingly greatly in pregnancy. This transformation is most noticeable because of the pivotal position the breast occupies in the body and it’s relevance also in the successful establishment of the outcome of the pregnancy. On account of these tremendous changes that impacts the breasts, there is…

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