Physical recovery after birth

Postpartum Skin Changes and the Best Skin Care Strategies

Your skin goes through pregnancy induced changes that affects its shine and luster and these changes varies from darker pigmentation, rashes, spots, stretch marks and so many other hormonal and non hormonal induced changes in the postpartum period These postpartum skin changes can fortunately be treated with a return to your normal glow and shine […]


postpartum loose skin-10 best ways to prevent and tighten loose skin

The impact of your pregnancy on your skin is very much noticeable when you have shed the baby. The extra weight and lax skin you developed in pregnancy that was being masked by the protruding belly begins to manifest itself. The postpartum body come in different shapes and sizes all subject to the different events […]

Postpartum mental health for partners

Postpartum Stress Disorder – Causes, Symptoms and Therapies

What is postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (P-PTSD) The time of delivery is a glorious time for the family but it can sometimes be overwhelming for the new mom and the whole family by extension. It can be such an unaccustomed experience that it is not uncommon for the new mom to feel overwhelmed, anxious, sad, […]


Postpartum Hives – Causes, Presentation and The Best Treatment

The skin reacts in different ways following delivery and this can range from normal to a whole range of allergic and non-allergic conditions with each having its own characteristic presentation and worries that you need to be aware of to be able to get the best outcome for your self and your skin. Some skin […]


Postpartum Amenorrhea

The delivery of your baby is followed by a period of temporary infertility induced by the cessation of your menstrual flow. This amenorrhea that results occurs as a result of the changes in the response of your ovary to your hormonal stimulation. The moment you deliver, the ovary begins to alter it responses to hormonal […]

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